Bleeding After Emergency Contraception I Had An Emergency Contraception Pill Immediately After Unprotected Sex.after Ten Days I Had Spotting, Little ?

I had an emergency contraception pill immediately after unprotected sex.after ten days i had spotting, little ? - bleeding after emergency contraception

bleeding.M I pregnant? When should I test?


BaByGiRl [★] said...

Take the test if you miss a period

CL said...

Do you have the documentation that came with it? Try to relax haha, I'll keep in stressful environments. One symptom is that the pill can do the next time to come, .. early or too late, or are really easy or difficult, this should not freak out on the site, I'm sure it's the only partial effect.

Do you have the pill within 24-72 hours? The sooner you take the larger the chance that you will not be pregnant.

Wait about 3 weeks and a pregnancy test (Buy a package of two tests). When they emerge, is negative and you believe that you are pregnant, wait 2-3 weeks and take another test.

And do not stress! The effects of stress much about your situation!

Do not worry, I'm sure you're well:)

gcecelie said...

If the instructions (1 pill, wait 12 hours, 2 tablets), then it is a good sign that it is contaminated. This means that the tablets have an effect on the body. Sometimes, as the pill is clear that the egg structure of the mucosa.

"Some women may spotting, bleeding in the first week of taking emergency contraception, the majority of women have their next period of seven days" / article.aspx id = ...

Emergency contraception can cause stains or change the speed, duration and timing of the next period. In most cases, this effect is small / ec_faq.asp

The last time I was on the pill my cycle was kept for 14 days. Do not worry, okay.

Me and Mario! said...

As far as he takes the pills, not like your pregnant! If you take the pill your period getting thrown May and you can sometimes spot a little, do not panic, because this is a side effect, and deadlines are normal!

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