Title Insurance Practice Exam Thank You Both And Now That Leaves Me With Another Question. I Was A Title Recorder Years Ago And Can

Thank you both and now that leaves me with another question. I was a title recorder years ago and can - title insurance practice exam

I remember one of my duties in the review of registration documents was to ensure that the grant was notarized on the same day or prior to the execution of the signature of the buyer in the indentation. This is the procedure of officers exercising custody and that consistent. My agent and county recorder was also a purist too. If I were the signatures to run for the DG and DT record of the order of simultaneous recording of the first act of the grant and then the trust deed. (First to suppliers and then being signed by the borrower) The obligation of the insurance, a requirement for the lender, a county clerk or recorder needs or simply prefer a professional?

It is logical that a company needs to be done this way for a sale as a buyer / borrower, the DG should have drive safely and ensure that the acquisition of properties and the description of the two documents before signing a loan package , including the note and trust deed. I saw all land transactionsgen as well and have done so, who knows, carried out the real reason for this procedure?


cyoung85... said...

t does not matter who on 1 have signed and are not on the same day. And if the life of the buyer or seller of state and loan documents, it should be overnight to them. The other party may sign before or after the other. There is no law or regulation establishing the document must be signed ants in any order or part must Sign in before another

cyoung85... said...

t does not matter who on 1 have signed and are not on the same day. And if the life of the buyer or seller of state and loan documents, it should be overnight to them. The other party may sign before or after the other. There is no law or regulation establishing the document must be signed ants in any order or part must Sign in before another

liberal_... said...

The trust deed contains a warranty of title, the reasons for holding the buyer / borrower. For this command to be true, records the grant must be signed by the seller to the buyer before the deed and deed of trust. In addition, if the trust deed is signed and first registered, there is a break in the chain of title "because the person signing the deed of trust no title.

cyoung is true in most cases when you only to the time of signing, so he signed on the date the document and records relating to concentrate. The order of the host is always a significant difference. There are also cases in which can make a difference at the time of signature, they do not ignore it.

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