When is a guy considered safe to have sex with his legal partner after being healed of gonorrhea? - gonorrhea more condition_symptoms pictures
Moreover, it is safe to say that the time for a week or even 4 consecutive days with an antibiotic mg 400 2 times a day is enough to say with certainty that a person is completely cured of gonorrhea have no symptoms after Moreover, as the yellow pus coming out of the opening of the penis and burning when urinating normally?
Gonorrhea More Condition_symptoms Pictures When Is A Guy Considered Safe To Have Sex With His Legal Partner After Being Healed Of Gonorrhea?
5:04 AM
Depends on what you're using "means". It seems that you want to know when things are safe and 100%, and unfortunately the answer is "never".
First, antibiotics are not 100% effective. Resistance may mean that the bacteria remain even after the full treatment.
Second, if a person is a sexually transmitted disease that is often different. Genitourinary A man is known to "hide" infections that would be even more obvious in women.
If you do, if in a specific situation certainly wonder, God only knows. I'm not sure what are called antibiotics - not like a typical treatment of gonorrhea. (Some antibiotics have no effect on gonorrhea.)
The answer is probably on the lookout for is the time for the typical course of gonorrhea after appropriate treatment. It could theoretically as early as two days, but each case is different. I would say at least 2 weeks left on the page.
Finally, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS PROTECTIon. The only effective protection to 100% is abstinence. Condoms help, but not 100% effective against preventing sexually transmitted diseases (including non-burst).
Ask your doctor work and used a condom in order to experience other illnesses in the future, try to remember to take about 6 months to a year to test and see if you have AIDS
Ask your doctor work and used a condom in order to experience other illnesses in the future, try to remember to take about 6 months to a year to test and see if you have AIDS
To make it completely "safe", ask your doctor to repeat the test. If you are symptomatic and have the antibiotics (erythromycin, sounds, of penicillin allergy is finished?), Then it should go. I want to double-check to make sure. This is the best way to protect your partner and to avoid embarrassment. PS Always use a condom. Next time it could be something that you can not get rid of medicine.
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