Anyone have skin cancer before? - skin cancer diagnosis more condition_symptoms
Hello. I am a student of anatomy and physiology of the work on a project for the semester. I have up to 5 people who have, or some form of skin cancer earlier interview. Interviews Internet are allowed.
If you are or were a patient for skin cancer, I would be glad if you could, after or PM the answers to these questions.
1. If you are diagnosed with skin cancer was, what was your first reaction?
2. How long to go through skin cancer is an emotional one?
3. As they were about the possibility of skin cancer before the diagnosis?
4. Do you think it would be a greater awareness of skin cancer?
5. As you may have had a skin cancer?
6. What advice would you another new skin cancer patients?
7. What do you know have been the main factor in the development of skin cancer?
8. How this experience has inspired to help others go through the same process?
9. What was the most difficult stage to treat skin cancer, from diagnosis to treatment?
10. Have you ever imaginedI wish I had a skin cancer and how she was surprised when you did?
Again, I would be glad if someone can answer this or if you know of someone who they can send questions to him or her. Thank you very much for your help!
Skin Cancer Diagnosis More Condition_symptoms Anyone Have Skin Cancer Before?
12:33 AM
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